‘African Americans and Religious Freedom’ aims to get readers on same page concerning democracy
At an event launching the second edition of 'African Americans and Religious Freedom: New…
The Arduous Journey of Staying Home By Jan Millsapps Relatively few humans consider themselves…
At an event launching the second edition of 'African Americans and Religious Freedom: New…
The Rev. Dr. Stan Hastey reflects on a post-presidency interview with Jimmy Carter at his church in…
Brent Walker: "Throughout my 28-year tenure at BJC and thereafter as executive director emeritus,…
The movement to exonerate convicted witches is a good one The post Fly Free first appeared on ARC:…
The demonization of SNAP recipients is nothing new, and complaints about eligible benefit purchases…
One of my favorite elements of my language history is the vocabulary of movie quotes my dad and I…
Earlier this month, the U.S. president announced a ban on “illegal” protests on college and…
Wolfgang Pauly über Parmenides und Heraklit: Was zwei alte Griechen uns heute sagen könnten,…
In which we (mostly Ilyse) go all in on religion & tattoos. Special interest: ACTIVATE.As always,…
Eigentlich wollte ich heute etwas ganz Anderes bloggen. Aber vorhin habe ich vor Glück geweint. Und…
“It’s not just about resisting — it’s about transforming our communities into spaces of inclusion,…
The Political Theology Editorial Collective welcomes new members Fatima Tofighi and Joseph Winters!…
In a letter to Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, dozens of faith leaders – including Christian leaders –…
Im zweiten Teil seines Beitrags beschäftigt sich Rüdiger Lohlker mit der religiösen Topographie…
As a hirsute hetero ’90s SoCal teen, I made my choice The post Confessions of a Once-Bearded Lady…
A coalition of faith-based, community, non-profit, and other civic organizations met at the Alabama…
As a young woman in the civil rights movement, she spoke, preached and prayed with such power that…
Churches have long been places of guidance and hope. However, for many women, these same spaces have…
Bruno Schrage und Michael Fischer stellen aktuelle Studienergebnisse zum Ethos von…
“The fight for religious freedom is not a silent fight — it requires standing tall in spaces that…
Dr. Sabrina E. Dent recaps the inaugural Religious Freedom Immersion Experience, a new program…
Mahmoud Khalil’s harrowing and unlawful detention on March 8th captured widespread attention after…
The Trump administration is known for its bans on abortion, paper straws, gender-affirming care,…
During March, Sojourners and the Washington Interfaith Staff Community have hosted “Faithful Witness…
Could it be that Trump and his promises are simply a new Golden Calf, worshipped in a sense,…
A colonial understanding of resurrection has only associated it with life after death, whereas a…
Was sind Open Educational Resources? Wofür steht die Third Mission? Und was hat das mit Theologie zu…
This week we are exploring changed callings, times when our vocations have fractured or when new…
Tanja Eisenach weiß lange nicht, welcher Partei sie bei der Bundestagswahl ihre Stimme geben soll.…
Gestern sah ich in einem Zeitschriftenladen in Berlin, wie zahlreiche, fossile Konzernmedien auf die…
Wir freuen uns, eine spannende Kooperation bekannt zu geben: REMID ist ab sofort offizieller Partner…
Oscar Romeros Weg als Hirte einer verfolgten Gemeinde zeugt von erstaunlichen Lernprozessen. Peter…
Wer verstehen möchte, warum ich vor der Verbreitung des dualistischen und latent antisemitischen…
Do you hear voices? There are voices out there proclaiming the glory of God if you’ll pay attention.…
The Western inability to recognize Palestinians as fully human is often attributed to Islamophobia,…
(Dutch below)
Dana Lloyd is assistant professor of Global Interdisciplinary Studies and affiliated faculty at the…
Amanda Tyler: " Beware the invocation of 'religious freedom' by an administration that has already…
Holly Hollman: At times, exercising religious freedom requires using the courts and Congress to stop…
It is imperative to respect the claims of conscience behind the pacifist convictions often…
Was kann religiöse Bildung angesichts einer sich verschärfenden Demokratiekrise zur…
If you think we don’t need universities, consider the gecko The post The Lizard Theory of Higher Ed…
The post S6, Ep. 11: African Americans and Religious Freedom appeared first on BJC.
Worthaus 12 – Tübingen: 17. Mai 2024 von Dr. Alois Prinz.
Taylor Swift gehört zu den einflussreichsten Künstlerinnen der Gegenwart – doch was hat ihre Musik…
Vor 500 Jahren rüttelten die Aufstände der Bauern an bestehenden Herrschaftsformen. Nach nicht…
Our greatest modern poets insisted they were in dialogue with—or even channeling directly—the…
Marita Wagner berichtet aus Südafrika, wie weiße Christ*innen dort Elon Musk und Donald Trump…